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    a single payment.

    Going beyond insurance is
    giving you the support you need,
    when you need it.

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      Protect yourself against cancer

      Fill out the form to receive a personalized orientation

      Get oriented today!

      Fill out the form to receive a personalized orientation

        Because in the case of a positive cancer diagnosis, we provide our policyholders with the financial support they need, immediately.

        The money claimants receive helps them financially as they can cover their treatment expenses, pay debts and even replace their salary; this definitely brings peace of mind at such a difficult time.

        Because we are Going Beyond Insurance.

        Get a quote today!

        Call us at 787.620.2700 or fill out the form below.

          Service hours
          Monday to Friday
          8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p. m.

          Fax: (787) 620-2713

          Toll free: 1 (800) 981-8662

          Email us to contact a customer service representative.

          We have a variety of cancer policies to choose from according to your needs.

          Want to customize it even more?

          You can combine each policy with a variety of additional coverages.

          En TOLIC tenemos la obligación de enviar la Informativa 480.7F, a todos los clientes comerciales y cuenta propistas, para los pagos de prima de Aportaciones a planes de salud o accidentes durante el año Contributivo 2023.

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