A Letter to Fathers

Dear Fathers,

You’re our heroes, guardians, and guides. You’ve always protected us from harm. You’ve fed us, clothed us, and sheltered us all our lives. You played with us when we were kids and taught us to connect with the world around us. You taught us to be soft spoken but also to stand up for ourselves. You’re our friends and have always been there to reassure us when we’ve been upset. You support us in our endeavors and inspire us to try again whenever we’ve failed. You’re our teacher and have taught us to chase our dreams. You know us like the back of your hand, and you’ve always been open to showing us who you are and how much you love us.

A father is much more than just a parental figure. A father is a pillar in our development and in our lives. A father enforces the rules but also shows us unconditional love, both physical and emotionally. Children always want to make their fathers proud because they are always proud of their fathers. A father is involved in his child’s life and helps them grow into kind yet strong individuals, just like them.

Being a father is an art form. It’s a delicate dance between being our provider, disciplinarian and protector, and being our teacher, example, inspiration and safe place. It’s much more than being the one who provided half of our DNA or being the one who raised us. It’s teaching us values and giving us a strong foundation. It’s giving us wings to fly and helping us soar higher and higher. It’s being our guide and companion. It’s being wise and sharing words of wisdom with us. It’s understanding us and loving us for who we are.

Our fathers protect us from danger and do all they can to always keep us safe. They are nurturing, attentive, and involved in our lives. They are doting, indulgent and playful. They stop at nothing to make sure we are taken care of. They support us and are always there when we need them. They ensured we had a safe, loving and secure how to grow up in. They are dedicated and devoted. They endured hardships to help us grow and succeed. They are dedicated, careful, caring, and above all, loving.

As children, we are honored to have such amazing and supportive fathers. We pride ourselves in having loving and dedicated fathers. We’re lucky to have you in our lives and grateful for all you’ve sacrificed for us. We couldn’t have achieved all that we have if it weren’t for you, and for that, we feel blessed. We’re inspired by you to be better, so that we may be more and more like you. We brave the world with you in our corner and know we’ll succeed simply because you’re there for us. And we will always love you for all you do for us.

There’s so much to say about how wonderful you are and not enough words to express all of our love and admiration for you. So, on this Fathers’ Day, let us just say…

Thank you, Fathers! Thank you for teaching us life lessons and sharing your wisdom with us! Thank you for ensuring we know right from wrong! Thank you for always comforting us and being there for us! Thank you for protecting us! Thank you for holding our hand and watching over us! Thank you for inspiring us to chase our dreams! Thank you for being our safe place!

Thank you for everything you’ve done and do for us! Thank you for being Our Fathers!

With all our Love,

Your Children.


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