Accessible and Inclusive Workspaces

Many of us face difficulties from time to time, but people with disabilities tend to face barriers more often and these tend to have a greater impact on their lives.. Therefore, it is extremely important to have accessible and inclusive options and workspaces.

People with disabilities are those who have problems that affect their body structure, limitations in carrying out daily actions, and difficulties in maintaining social relationships with their peers. Some types of disabilities are: hearing, visual, cognitive, ambulatory, self-care, and independent living.

In 2019, data provided by theAmerican Community Survey recorded that 12.7 % of individuals in the United States identified with having a disability. Of these, 39.2 % were employed.

People with disabilities have lower probabilities of being employed than those without disabilities. There are several factors driving this disparity, including: discriminatory hiring practices, fewer people from this community completing a college degree, and a lack of enabled and accessible workspaces.

How companies can have more accessible and inclusive spaces:

· Installing permanent or removable ramps to overcome level changes.

· Expanding doors to accommodate wheelchairs and assistive equipment for mobility or walking.

· Choosing lights that are bright enough and do not produce glare when reflected on surfaces.

· Using sound alerts in elevators and escalators.

· Printing materials in braille or with larger letters.

· Using sign language interpreters at events and meetings.

· Including captions in presentations, videos, and other forms of media communication where sound is used to convey a message.

· Allowing additional time to complete tasks.

· Using clear and simple language.

· Providing equipment such as dictation machines and smart pens.

According to data provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in January 2022, the unemployment rate for people with disabilities was of 9.1, compared to an unemployment rate of 4.2 for people without disabilities.

However, even before the pandemic, people with disabilities benefit most from remote work. In addition, in September 2021, the Rutgers School of Management and Labor Relations (SMLR) reported that 1 in 5 people with disabilities worked remotely and advocated for them to have greater access to this type of work.

Creating accessible and inclusive spaces is important “both at a human level, as well as at a business, economic and social level.” the unemployment rate in this group is high, “many people with disabilities are successfully included in the world of work and to the full satisfaction of their employers.” In addition, “[para][for] companies, hiring people with disabilities has several advantages,” especially an image of inclusiveness that demonstrates their commitment to society and to this community.

Certainly, there are still many changes to be implemented, but new regulations aimed at eliminating or suppressing barriers in work and public spaces have allowed fair and adequate access to the community of people with disabilities.

At TOLIC, we strive to have an inclusive, accessible, familial and well-being environment both with our agents, insured and employees.

For more information, visit our website or email us to contact one of our representatives ( And find out why, at TOLIC, we are Going Beyond Insurance.


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