

I believe I have a history of critical illness, what should I do?

Illnesses can come at any time. There are some that we may never have to worry about, and that we’ll only know of by learning about our chances of contracting them. This ignorance is often self-generated by us not knowing our medical family history.

Medical family history is unique. It’s part of our heritage and history. It’s important to know yours in order to take better care of your health.

How is it useful to you?

We all inherit half our genes from each of our parents. We receive both genes that determine our physical appearance and those that determine other things, such as the risk of critical illnesses.

For example, if a close relative has a chronic illness, you’re more likely to contract this disease in the future, especially if your relative was diagnosed at a younger age than usual. This family history can help you know your odds and counteract them!

How is it useful to your doctor?

Your doctor will find it very helpful. Knowing you history, they can assess the risk, determine which tests to perform, and the periodicity of these. They may advise changes in your diet or other lifestyle habits, recommend medications, or decide when to perform a specific genetic test, or even assess the risk of transmission to your children. The advantages are innumerable.

What should I do if I suspect I have a compromised family medical history?

Step 1: Gather information

Talk to your relatives about the conditions they had and at what age they were diagnosed. If you can, get information, ask, and if it’s in private, the better. And don’t worry, people feel comforted when your interest is sincere!

Look for important illnesses such as:

  • Chronic diseases, such as heart disease or diabetes
  • Health problems, such as high blood pressure or high cholesterol
  • Serious illnesses, such as cancer or stroke

Remember: the information is only useful if you take advantage of it. Make better decisions and make the necessary changes for progress. If the information doesn’t help you improve your life, it’s useless.

Step 2: Change your habits

You can’t change your genetics, but you can adopt a healthier behavior and improve your quality of life. Start by changing smoking, sedentary, and bad eating habits.

Healthy habits can reduce your risk of getting hereditary diseases! As you make these necessary changes, don’t compare yourself or think about others. Focus on the important illnesses in your family history.

Step 3: Focus on your circumstances

We’re all afraid to face our weaknesses, and the passage of time can make us feel more vulnerable. Remember: you’ve collected your medical family history to take control of the circumstances, not letting your life run its course without doing something about it and looking for the best for you.

Step 4: Hope for the best, but be prepared!

Many people of a certain age wonder: at what point should I request a quote for an illness policy? The answer is: Now.

There’s a big difference between leading a healthy life, improving our habits independently and voluntarily, and doing it because we were ordered to do so by a doctor. The difference is in the peace of mind with which we make and live these changes. The same goes for a policy that covers illnesses. As long as you improve your habits and commit to a better quality of life, the policy will be a tool to improve your future. You’ll be prepared for all unforeseen situations.

Protect yourself with TOLIC

At TOLIC, we want you to be well and healthy. Therefore, we offer you an Accident and Illness policy that helps you face unforeseen expenses, paying the benefits directly to you. It’ll also help you defend yourself financially from the high deductibles of health insurance plans.

For more information, visit our website www.tolic.com or email us to contact one of our representatives (customerservice@tolic.com). And find out why, at TOLIC, we are Going Beyond Insurance.


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