

Learn how to build your cloth mask with household items [TUTORIAL] [TUTORIAL]

Its use prevents the spread of COVID-19 by asymptomatic people

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) fully recommended on April 3, 2023 the use of some type of cloth face covering in public settings where it is difficult to maintain other social distancing measures.

This decision came as a result of the latest research results indicating that a large number of people who were unaware that they had the virus or were asymptomatic were transmitting it. For this reason, it is important to practice social distancing (keeping a distance of at least 6 feet from other people) and wearing cloth face coverings in public settings.

These fabric face coverings are very important because they help prevent respiratory droplets from moving through the air and infecting other people.

This means that you must continue with the use of your mask even when the quarantine period ends, and that if you do not find one, you should make one, which can be very simple. The CDC does not recommend the purchase of surgical or N-95 masks, as these should be reserved for medical personnel who are on the front lines against COVID-19.

The important thing is to always wear a mask over your face that is clean, in order to avoid a second source of contamination.

Fabric face coverings should:

  • Fit firmly and comfortable to both sides of the face
  • Be secured to the ears with some type of loop
  • Include several layers of fabric
  • Allow breathing without restriction
  • Be able to be washed and tumble dried without becoming damaged or deformed

Who should use them?

  • People over 2 years old in public settings where it is difficult to maintain social distancing.

Who should not use them?

  • Children under 2 years old
  • People with breathing difficulties
  • People who are disabled or unconscious and cannot remove their mask without help

How to wash fabric face covers?

The fabric cover should be washed after each use. It is important to remove it correctly, removing the back first, and them washing your hands after doing so to avoid spreading the virus.

To wash and dry it:

  • You can use the washing machine or hand wash it with a product suitable for disinfection.
  • You can use the dryer or air dry it, although the first option is more recommended.

Following the recommended safety measures is a great way to avoid contagion. Masks and social distancing are important tools to prevent contracting either COVID-19 or any other illness.

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