Living with multiple sclerosis: A guide to feeling better

Tips to live with multiple sclerosis and enjoying the best quality of life

Multiple sclerosis is a degenerative and chronic disease of the nervous system, of autoimmune origin, that affects the brain and spinal cord.

Some symptoms are:

· Fatigue

· Numbness

· Muscle spasms

· Weakness

· Memory loss or lack of mental clarity

If you have this disease or have just been diagnosed, these tips will help you live with the best quality of life possible. Enjoying life is possible and you, like other multiple sclerosis patients, will do so for many years.

First, you must lead as healthy a life as possible. Start with basic things like resting, not drinking alcohol, and not smoking. Then, we recommend exercising regularly.

For a healthier life, incorporate an exercise routine

Practicing sports will be your new challenge! And don’t worry, they will be moderate exercises. Intense exercise could be counterproductive, so consult your doctor before starting a routine. An exercise routine will help you focus on your goal of living fully, without deviating from it.

Many of these exercises will help you maintain balance while standing or walking, increase your bladder control, and reduce spasms. If you notice some numbness or blurred vision when you exercise, it’s due to the increase in body temperature. It’s important to have a physical therapist familiar with the disease prepare a routine that suits your needs. Thus, you will be able to do them at your own pace and without worries!

Opt for healthy foods

Obesity and high salt intake can worsen multiple sclerosis, as can animal fats and industrial baking. Consult your doctor about the best diet for you.

Peace and tranquility for you! Minimize stressors

Stress negatively impacts both the health of multiple sclerosis patients, as well as everyone else’s. Sometimes, with a change of mindset, our mood and security significantly improve. We can reduce our worries by focusing on positive thoughts.

Ways to help you have daily peace and tranquility:

1. Learn about you condition

You will feel more in control by understanding your condition. Knowing fully what it means to be a multiple sclerosis patient will give you incredible security. And you’ll make better choices for your well-being.

2. Focus on the blessings

Feeling grateful improves your mood. You can practice writing 1 to 3 things you’re grateful for every morning. This will give you a list of all the wonders you enjoy.

3. Surround yourself with love

Live experiences and create memories with your loved ones. If you work, find a balance between your personal and work life. Spending time with your loved ones helps release tensions and worries. Surrounding yourself with love will always be one of the best therapies!

4. Organize your tasks in an agenda

Writing down all your pending tasks will help you avoid forgetting anything. You can organize them depending on how much energy you have. An agenda will help you prioritize your tasks and document what you have and want to achieve.

5. Truly, rest

Insomnia generates stress. If you struggle falling asleep, try creating a sleep routine. Go to bed and wake up every day at the same time. Turn your room into a quiet and relaxing place! Avoid watching television or using your mobile phone before bed. Instead, talk with someone, write or read something.

Every day, love yourself more and be your own spark!

Love yourself for who you are and always cheer yourself on. Do what you can do, and when you can’t, ask for help. Every day, you will learn more about how to feel better. Multiple sclerosis does not define your life.

Rely on TOLIC

At TOLIC, we are committed to your well-being. Therefore, we offer you various policies that adjust to your needs. Our Cancer Única Plus andCancer Elite Plus policies cover cancer, multiple sclerosis, and 42 other specific illnesses. Cancer Única Plus has 57 benefits and Cancer Elite Plus has 34; these are paid directly to the Insured.

For more information, visit our website or email us to contact one of our representatives ( And find out why, at TOLIC, we are Going Beyond Insurance.


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