Protect your children with your accidents insurance

Accidents happen when you least expect them. An accident can happen to anyone, and especially to children, who are exposed to falls and hits more frequently.

As children play and explore the world around them, they are at risk of getting hurt. It is reasonable to think that, in the face of this risk, prevention is a good way to protect them. Being alert to dangerous areas and objects could minimize your child’s risk of accidents.

Unfortunately, prevention is not always enough to avoid them. When you least expect it, you could face an accidental injury that requires immediate medical attention. In those cases, an accident policy offers you the financial support and medical care necessary to manage it.

To protect your children from accidents, avoid exposing them to risks and try to insure them against the possibility of accidental injuries that are beyond your control.

Why do you need an accidents insurance policy for your children?

Accidents can take an emotional and financially difficult toll, especially when it comes to your children. If you already have health insurance for yourself and your family, you might think you are covered for any medical need. However, not all medical plans cover the variety of accidents and injuries that can occur to your children.

Supplementary insurance can cover you and yours in a more comprehensive way than a traditional health insurance plan.

What benefits does TOLIC’s Accidents policy offer you?

Our policy is designed to cover the vast majority of medical and financial needs that arise as a result of accidental injuries. As a parent, you can invest in your children’s well-being by including them as beneficiaries in your Accidents policy.. This way, your whole family will be protected from any unexpected situation.

This policy covers: hospitalization, Emergency Room visit (up to 4 visits per policy year), intensive care, income for recovery after a hospitalization, income for recovery after outpatient surgery, follow-up medical treatment, accidental death or dismemberment, and atmospheric events. In addition, you can customize your coverage even more by combining it with these additional coverages available:

· Illness Endorsement

· 1st Day of Hospitalization Endorsement

· Severe Procedures or Serious Injuries Endorsement

· Disability Endorsement

· Recovery after an Emergency Room visit Endorsement

· Surgical Benefits Endorsement

· Accidental Death or Dismemberment Policy

Our policies adjust to your needs and those of your family, and provide you with additional benefits to those of the health insurance plan. They also help you face unforeseen expenses, paying the benefits directly to you.

In this way, our insurance supports you in those accidental events that could happen to your children. By having this protection, you will have peace of mind knowing that these types of wounds and serious injuries are covered, and will not affect your family’s budget.

We offer you the peace of mind you want and the security you need

We know you care about your children’s future and well-being. Although wounds and injuries cannot always be avoided, you can be better prepared to handle them. At TOLIC, we want you to be well. We also know not all accidents are the same. Therefore, we give you the security that your children need in the face of life’s unexpected situations.

For more information, visit our website or email us to contact one of our representatives ( And find out why, at TOLIC, we are Going Beyond Insurance.


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