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Christian Touma

A Letter to Fathers

Dear Fathers, You’re our heroes, guardians, and guides. You’ve always protected us from harm. You’ve fed us, clothed us, and sheltered us all our lives.

Christian Touma

A Letter to Mothers

Dearest Mothers, You are our parent, caregiver, and protector. You’ve looked after us our whole life and love us unconditionally. When we got sick, you

Arm yourself against cancer
Christian Touma

Be a Hero: Stem Cell Donation

Stem cells come from the bone marrow, bloodstream, and umbilical cord blood of newborns. These are extracted from donations and transplanted into patients with a

Christian Touma

Accessible and Inclusive Workspaces

Many of us face difficulties from time to time, but people with disabilities tend to face barriers more often and these tend to have a

Christian Touma

Benefits of Socializing for the Elderly

Health specialists indicate that socializing is the most effective way for the elderly to maintain their mental health in optimal conditions. Socializing helps with mood,

Christian Touma

“Our planet, our health”

The World Health Organization celebrates World Health Day on April 7, 2022, under the slogan: “Our planet, our health.” “WHO will direct global attention to

Christian Touma

Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

Colorectal cancer, also known as colon cancer or rectal cancer, is a type of cancer characterized by a “growth on the inner lining of the

Christian Touma

TOLIC now offers you SINOT Private Plan

Temporary Non-Occupational Disability Insurance (SINOT) is a program under Law No. 139, of June 26, 1968, which provides economic benefits to insured employees who have

Christian Touma

Spoofing and How to Avoid It

What is Spoofing? Identity replacement occurs when a caller deliberately falsifies the information transmitted to the caller ID screen to hide their identity. Scammers often

Christian Touma

How to have a healthier New Year 2022

Around the world, the New Year is celebrated in different ways, and even on different dates. However, its meaning of a new beginning, of “having

Christian Touma

A Letter to Fathers

Dear Fathers, You’re our heroes, guardians, and guides. You’ve always protected us from harm. You’ve fed us, clothed us, and sheltered us all our lives.

Christian Touma

A Letter to Mothers

Dearest Mothers, You are our parent, caregiver, and protector. You’ve looked after us our whole life and love us unconditionally. When we got sick, you

Arm yourself against cancer
Christian Touma

Be a Hero: Stem Cell Donation

Stem cells come from the bone marrow, bloodstream, and umbilical cord blood of newborns. These are extracted from donations and transplanted into patients with a

Christian Touma

Accessible and Inclusive Workspaces

Many of us face difficulties from time to time, but people with disabilities tend to face barriers more often and these tend to have a

Christian Touma

Benefits of Socializing for the Elderly

Health specialists indicate that socializing is the most effective way for the elderly to maintain their mental health in optimal conditions. Socializing helps with mood,

Christian Touma

“Our planet, our health”

The World Health Organization celebrates World Health Day on April 7, 2022, under the slogan: “Our planet, our health.” “WHO will direct global attention to

Christian Touma

Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

Colorectal cancer, also known as colon cancer or rectal cancer, is a type of cancer characterized by a “growth on the inner lining of the

Christian Touma

TOLIC now offers you SINOT Private Plan

Temporary Non-Occupational Disability Insurance (SINOT) is a program under Law No. 139, of June 26, 1968, which provides economic benefits to insured employees who have

Christian Touma

Spoofing and How to Avoid It

What is Spoofing? Identity replacement occurs when a caller deliberately falsifies the information transmitted to the caller ID screen to hide their identity. Scammers often

Christian Touma

How to have a healthier New Year 2022

Around the world, the New Year is celebrated in different ways, and even on different dates. However, its meaning of a new beginning, of “having

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