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Christian Touma

The advantages of having personal accidents insurance

Someone could be the victim of an accident on the street, at work, at home or as a result of playing a sport. If the accident is serious, you’ll most likely need medical attention. However, your health insurance plan doesn’t cover everything and you would have to incur some expenses. These can throw your budget out of balance!

That’s why it’s important to consider personal accident insurance. This coverage pays a sum of money to the beneficiary who suffers some type of injury as a result of an accident. It’s an additional support to the one you receive from the State Insurance Fund, ACCA or any other insurance.

Christian Touma

The advantages of having personal accidents insurance

Someone could be the victim of an accident on the street, at work, at home or as a result of playing a sport. If the accident is serious, you’ll most likely need medical attention. However, your health insurance plan doesn’t cover everything and you would have to incur some expenses. These can throw your budget out of balance!

That’s why it’s important to consider personal accident insurance. This coverage pays a sum of money to the beneficiary who suffers some type of injury as a result of an accident. It’s an additional support to the one you receive from the State Insurance Fund, ACCA or any other insurance.

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