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Recent posts

Christian Touma

3 Essential Measures to Protect your Family from COVID-19

Recommendations to take preventive measures against COVID-19 remain strong. Therefore, we would like to review with you some key measures to increase the protection of everyone in your home. In addition, we discuss how our hospitalization due to illness policy supports you in case of contagion and hospitalization. We can stop this virus together!

Continue to inform yourself at all times about the latest news and always remember to do so through reliable sources. Every day we learn a little more about the virus and how we can protect ourselves. At TOLIC we are with you and we give you the support you need to face COVID-19 and more in peace.

Christian Touma

3 Essential Measures to Protect your Family from COVID-19

Recommendations to take preventive measures against COVID-19 remain strong. Therefore, we would like to review with you some key measures to increase the protection of everyone in your home. In addition, we discuss how our hospitalization due to illness policy supports you in case of contagion and hospitalization. We can stop this virus together!

Continue to inform yourself at all times about the latest news and always remember to do so through reliable sources. Every day we learn a little more about the virus and how we can protect ourselves. At TOLIC we are with you and we give you the support you need to face COVID-19 and more in peace.

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Monday to Friday
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p. m.

Fax: (787) 620-2713

Toll Free: 1 (800) 981-8662

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