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Christian Touma

Learn how to build your cloth mask with household items [TUTORIAL] [TUTORIAL]

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) strongly recommended the use of some type of cloth face covering in public settings where it is difficult to maintain other social distancing measures. These cloth face coverings are very important because they help prevent respiratory droplets from moving through the air and infecting other people. Using them prevents the spread of COVID-19 and other viruses from asymptomatic people. Learn how to make your own cloth face covering with household items.

Christian Touma

Learn how to build your cloth mask with household items [TUTORIAL] [TUTORIAL]

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) strongly recommended the use of some type of cloth face covering in public settings where it is difficult to maintain other social distancing measures. These cloth face coverings are very important because they help prevent respiratory droplets from moving through the air and infecting other people. Using them prevents the spread of COVID-19 and other viruses from asymptomatic people. Learn how to make your own cloth face covering with household items.

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